Money collected in offerings on Sunday and online giving is used to further the ministry of LifeConnection through gospel transformation and church planting here in Independence and around the world.


Sunday Mornings

Give every Sunday during our worship gatherings at 9:00am.


Give safely and securely via the link HERE.

Church Center

Give quickly and easily via mobile with the My Church Center app - iOS and Android. You can also set up recurring gifts!

Automatic Bill Pay

Automatic bill pay is a great way to give regularly and consistently at LifeConnection. Also, giving by this method means that LifeConnection doesn’t have to pay any transaction or processing fees, so 100% of your gift goes to furthering the mission of Christ. You can find instructions for how to set up automatic bill pay here.

By Mail

Mail your gift to:

LifeConnection Church
4226 Norledge Ave
Kansas City, MO 64123

why give
  1. Giving is an act of worship as we joyfully respond to God’s grace in our lives.

  2. Giving isn’t a way to make God like you more – you’re fully accepted because of Jesus.

  3. Giving is not a way to earn God’s favor, it’s a worshipful response to God’s gifts and kindness to us. See 2 Cor 8:9.


Depending on which is more feasible for your situation, you can handle tithing with a fluctuating income in a couple of different ways. Some people choose to give exactly one-tenth or more of their earnings for each individual pay-period. Others estimate their total earnings for the year and give a portion of the total tithe each week or month throughout the year.

Every dollar given to LifeConnection Northeast General Fund is used to support the local and global mission of LifeConnection NE; therefore, gifts cannot be designated or restricted for use by a specific department or ministry.

Scripture doesn’t use the literal terms “net” or “gross”. It’s more important to note that the spirit in which we give is of greatest value to God. He tells us in 2 Corinthians 9 that “each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give; not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

When you give online, you will have several options to choose from in the drop-down menu. General Fund giving directs funds toward LifeConnection's day-to-day operating budget.

You will see a “General Fund” for your particular LifeConnection Congregation. If you are a part of the Independence Congregation choose “(Indep) - LifeConnection Independence General Fund.” If you are a part of the Northeast Congregation choose “(NEKC) - LifeConnection Northeast General Fund.”

Yes, you can specify whether you want your contribution made once, weekly, every two weeks, twice per month, or monthly. You can set up scheduled contributions according to your preference.

Yes, you will receive a mid-year statement and an annual statement in January. You can also see your online giving history by clicking the “my giving” tab.

You can edit or delete a scheduled contribution anytime, including the bank routing number, account number, date, fund, frequency, and amount.

We've taken steps to ensure that the giving process is safe and secure from beginning to end. All of your giving data is secured by SSL encryption. SSL is an acronym for “Secure Socket Layer,” a security protocol that provides communications privacy over the Internet. It is the same technology used by banks and e-commerce companies such as to keep your information safe and secure during transactions.

Call 816-354-1745 or email us and we'll be glad to answer any other questions you may have.