Partnering with Parents to grow a generation that treasures Christ.

We believe our kids need just as much intentional investment from their church and parents as the adults who join us each Sunday.


All children (babies through 5th grade) can experience the Bible in gospel-centered, fun ways each Sunday.

Our mission is to partner with parents to grow a generation that treasures Christ. We envision a generation centered on the Gospel of Jesus, who treasures Christ above all else and will joyfully give their time, talent, and treasure to see Christ's Kingdom expand in the city of Independence and beyond.

Come to the KidsCo check-in area in the cafe. One of our volunteers will greet you, check your child in so that we know how to get ahold of you, and then guide you to your child's classroom.

We will ask for the following personal information: family members' names, children's names and birthdates, address, phone number, email, and any special instructions (allergies, special needs) for your child.

We would love to have your child join us on Sunday!

Our KidsCo family team will help you check in your first Sunday, and every Sunday after is a breeze. Matching identification tags exclusive to your family are printed each week, so volunteers know who to contact in the case of an emergency and medical needs.

At the end of service, you can pick up your child at their classroom. Just show your tag for your child to be released back to you.

You will receive a text message if we need to contact you during the service for any reason. We ask that you exit the sanctuary and look for a volunteer outside the classroom.

Our toddler, preschool, and elementary classrooms use HYFI curriculum from LifeWay, which is designed to root the next generation’s identity in Christ through 12 biblical truths that teach them who they are in Him. 

We also follow a Scope & Sequence to connect what we're doing with the church's overall vision. This includes teaching:

  • The story of scripture as the true story of the world
  • Christian doctrine
  • Habits and practices as a means of grace 

We have policies and systems in place to protect children in our care from people with ill intentions. We want to deter predators by being clear upfront about these policies and procedures while creating a culture of awareness and accountability amongst our volunteers.

The following is a list of measures in place to protect children in KidsCo:

  • All volunteers must submit a background check through Checkr, which includes a Nationwide Criminal & Sex Offender search.
  • All volunteers must complete the MinistrySafe Sexual Abuse Awareness Training.
  • We enforce specific policies for all staff and volunteers, including volunteer-to-child ratios, bathroom and diapering policies, and matching security tags with parents at pickup.

Help make Sundays a great experience for families and children — serve on the KidsCo team with us! You'll play an essential part in making Jesus known to children as they experience the Bible and the Gospel in a fun, relevant way. To find out more, email

A nursing room is available for moms with nursing children, which also provides a quiet space to calm a crying baby or change a diaper. This is a "Moms Only" room for women with babies to listen to the service in a private and quiet environment.

Parent Resources.









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